Gamemaster’s Guidepost: A Novel Approach to GMing, Part II: Do I Feel A Draft?

Guest Post by Scott “Rocketman” Rochat “…I do like to take a story and reorder it, put things in different places. This allows me to see things in a new and sometimes surprising way.” –Carol Windley, Boston Globe interview Revise. Revise. Revise again. Few words are hated more by an author. And few might seem […]

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Gamemaster’s Guidepost: A Novel Approach to GMing, Part 1: The Plot Thickens

Guest Post by Scott “Rocketman” Rochat “You’re a GM, not an author. Don’t railroad!” Sound familiar? Sooner or later, it seems every guide to gamemastering includes that little gem, a reminder that this is a collaborative hobby, where everyone’s imagination counts. Don’t lock the players into a restrictive plot, we’re told, don’t predetermine your ending, […]

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Carpe Blogiem: When Is a Dungeon Fantasy Campaign No Longer A Dungeon Fantasy Campaign?, Part II

Peter Dell’Orto talked a bit about how to not let your Dungeon Fantasy campaign become a fantasy campaign. It’s extremely well-written and if you want to avoid the situation that I describe in my first post then you should follow it to the letter. If not, read on. Many have used GURPS Dungeon Fantasy as a way to […]

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Carpe Blogiem: When Is a Dungeon Fantasy Campaign No Longer A Dungeon Fantasy Campaign?, Part I

Oddly enough, running Dungeon Fantasy demos are my local game store and my hacked-together version have given me a bit of insight into the series like nothing else ever has. At first, Aersalus was just supposed to be a straight-up Dungeon Fantasy campaign with all the normal rules and races and the beer and pretzel approach. […]

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