Carpe Blogiem: Why GURPS?

In all the roleplaying games in all the world, you have to roleplay in mine… Someone asked me a while back: “Why GURPS?” Well, there are a couple of reasons I use GURPS pretty much exclusively, but let’s ignore me for a bit. Let’s assume that you’ve just stumbled onto my blog: “What is this GURPS thing you […]

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Carpe Blogiem: 2016 – A Year In Review

Like my last three years in review. Here are how things went for me in 2016: The Good (What I did well or that went well) I was published in Pyramid a bit this year: #3/87: Low-Tech III (5/5 stars), #3/89: Alternate Dungeons II (4.5/5 stars), #3/90: After the End (5/5 stars), #3/91 Pyramid: Thaumatology IV (5/5 stars), Pyramid #3/93: Cops and Lawyers (5/5 stars), Pyramid #3/95: Overland Adventures (5/5 stars), ##3/97 Pyramid: […]

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