GURPS101: More New Talents I

Here are a few new talents – mostly culled from my own campaigns.   Born to the Blade 10/level Broadsword, Fast-Draw (Knife, Sword, or Two-Handed Sword), Knife, Rapier, Saber, Shortsword, Smallsword, and Two-Handed Sword. Reaction Bonus: None! You’re natural adeptness with a blade is enough. Alternative Benefit: On the other hand, instead of a reaction […]

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GURPS101: Standard Operating Procedure Perks for Monster Hunters

A few new Standard Operating Procedure perks for GURPS Monster Hunters: Esoteric Gear Mastery: After its been determined what sort of supernatural foe your character and their allies are facing its assumed you’ve “gear up” to fight that foe. This could be as simple as silver weapons for werewolves or as complicated as a Nanu-ku-sh tablets […]

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